Stories about our music

Prologue by Ondrej

Since I was little guy, I was glued to the speakers exploring all the music available at this time. When I was fifteen years old, I dreamed a lot. He came, the magician, waved a magic wand and I started to compose the music.

There was a world sensation at the time still not very specific, but very intense. It’s forms became increasingly specific and grew up to pure forms.

Thus was created my world.

We prepare the stories, true based stories for all releases, we did till nowdays. Please be patient, join our RSS channel, because every new story for the particular album will be announced as a new post on this site.



My parents supported me a lot. When the clasic piano was not enough, they bought me the perfect synthesizer.

I graduated from LSU. I had many dreams, not worlds, and then in front of me was a perfect tool, and I suddenly did not know, what should I do with it. It provided so much possibilities…

On the way to school, I studied the manual and began to realize what music is now realistically possible. Everything.

I have long believed in the devil, and Nicholas, but they were parents, in costumes. But now, it was not the parents, but the magician.

Today, the tons of fantasy that passing around me I can catch. Back then, it was only aware of that the fantasies exist, but I managed to catch a glimpse of them sometimes.

It is the best during the fall time, when around trees, rocks, mountains, corn fields … small theatre plays take the place. At the first sight unrelated, but they are perfectly coherent.