About Five Josephs

Five Josephs - I Love the PianoFive Josephs crew is based in Prague, Czech Republic. An author Ondrej Bezdek is keen on music composition. He’s focused on piano, jazz, electronic styles, ambient, downtempo, leftfield drum and bass and flat beats music. Ondrej and his band members, these are Five Josephs.

Ondrej Bezdek a.k.a. Joseph the Pianist

My family, where many of us are involved to music, influenced my relationship to music. I did my first step with music playing as a very young guy. I felt a strong addiction to music soon and I am still fascinated by listening to it and also fascinated by producing my own music.

When I were 5 years old I started to play the piano. The music composition came later on my mind, sometime around 10 years old.

Five Josephs - I'm relaxingI have a classical music education in a basic musical school in our country. Later, I were not accepted for study at the conservatory, but I still improved my musical education of the music composition by myself. So I’m a self made man music producer and piano player.

Five Josephs is a music project, where different kinds of music are mixtured in smaller and larger compositions. Five Josephs provides instrumental pieces of music, partially with scenic music characteristics.

I’m also addicted to the electronic music genres so I compose music in drum and bass, house, trance styles. I also did several music pieces for computer games.

Joseph the Magician

Joseph The Magician, the player on everything, what can produce a magic sound. A very shy guy, who’s all emotions go to the world through music. Echoes, sound fields, fantastic and fanatic loops, unreal ideas… all about the Magician.

Josephine the ElementalistJosephine the Elementalist

Her brain consists of a big load of the sixth element. She is a mage, the FIRST class Elementalist. She is mentally strong and emotionally crazy. She plays with huge emotion fields, provides echoes, voices and her deep bass lines (done by her magic fingers). Some other members argument among themselves if she do better with her finger bass lines  or plays with her pussy. No one knows… she is very mystical, yet addictive girl with fantastic aura. She seems to be unreal.

Joseph Der Schwanzen

A crazy lazy life form taking care of our twitter account. He does not like the old fashioned e-mail, thus is happy he just tweets. Sometimes, he drops a fantastic drum loop, which we use for production and… nobody knows about him for a year. A drum machine Master and remixer, Der Schwanzen.

Joseph the Gray Eminence, a.k.a. Dr. Aiko

He is the hidden gray eminence of the Five Josephs project and independent music label.

Dr. Aiko is responsible for mixes, promotions, music distribution, ideas, website, booklet designs, our music videos and communication with all of you. He’s shy. Feel free to drop him an e-mail.

He is the only one from the whole group, who is normal. Really 🙂

Magic Ninja

A lone digital sailor who lives in this world, makes music and enjoys life.